Ram Pothineni and Sreeleela are busy promoting the film by attending interviews and TV programs as Skanda is set for a grand release on September 28. Yesterday, Ram was present at the Bigg Boss show. A brand-new promo was presented in that episode which had a bit of political satires. Fans believed that it was the second trailer.
The makers explained that the one displayed on the Bigg Boss show is not the release trailer. According to them, fans will enjoy a massive feast with the new trailer. The inside reports strongly suggest that Boyapati has included political satires in the film. The films came in the combination of Balakrishna and Boyapati had political satires in the past. Now, Boyapati is said to have included many references to political satires and political individuals in Skanda.
The movie’s album was produced by S Thaman. Srinivasaa Chitturi produced Skanda under the banner of Srinivasaa Silver Screen, making it the most expensive movie for Ram. The movie features Sree Leela as the female lead, and Saiee Manjrekar will play a crucial role. The movie presented by ZEE Studios South and Pavan Kumar features Santosh Detake as the cinematographer. Editing is handled by Tammiraju.
Skanda will have a Pan India release on September 28th in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi languages.