The box office battle between Amaran and Kanguva has taken an unexpected turn. While Amaran continues its dream run, Kanguva seems to be struggling to make its mark. From its opening day, Kanguva failed to generate the desired momentum, with collections falling below expectations. This slow performance gave Amaran a golden opportunity to solidify its dominance, even in its third weekend.
By the 19th day of its release, Amaran hit the coveted ₹300 crore mark worldwide. Monday further highlighted the stark contrast between the two films. On its fifth day, Kanguva registered disappointing numbers, even lower than Amaran’s collections on its 19th day. This trend extended across all major territories, including Tamil Nadu, the Telugu states, and the rest of India, where Amaran’s 19th-day collections were 20% higher than Kanguva’s 5th day figures.
While Amaran shows no signs of slowing down, heading confidently toward the ₹350 crore milestone, Kanguva is nearing the end of its theatrical run. Its diminishing returns have painted a bleak picture, raising questions about what went wrong for the film.
The contrasting performances underline the unpredictability of the box office. Amaran has clearly emerged as the audience’s favorite, with strong word-of-mouth and sustained interest propelling its success, while Kanguva struggles to recover from its underwhelming start.