It is very well known to everyone that that Power Star Pawan Kalyan has 3 movies in his hands right now. Hari Hara Veera Mallu with Krish, OG with Sujeeth, Ustaad Gabbar Singh with Harish Shankar. Pawan Kalyan has been working parallelly for these three films with giving occasional breaks. Now, the inside reports strongly suggest that the fans of PSPK are in for a booming treat by triple updates on his birthday by the three films’ units.
All three ongoing films teams such as OG, Ustaad Bhagat Singh, and Hari hara veera mallu are planning to a give birthday update of their films on Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s birthday, which is on September 2nd.
The makers of OG have shared exciting news with everyone, raising the excitement to another level. On the occasion of Pawan Kalyan’s birthday, it was announced that the teaser will be launched on September 2 at 10:35 am. Before a while, the makers gave another update regarding the teaser. The teaser launch event will be held at Sandhya Theatre, RTC Cross Road, Hyderabad at 9:30 am tomorrow.
Ustaad Bhagat Singh’s New poster will be released on tomorrow morning at 6:03 AM. Also, Hari Hara Veera Mallu movie’s unit also will share new poster on today’s midnight 12:17 AM. Overall, the fans of Power Star Pawan Kalyan are in for exciting and booming updates on their favorite hero’s birthday.