Bollywood Producer Bhushan Kumar flown down to Hyderabad to meet Superstar Mahesh, NTR and Vijay Devarakonda and others to produce Telugu movies on a pan-Indian canvas. According to the reports, he wanted to get dates of these stars.
Telugu Film Industry has made its name in the past 2 years with huge pan India blockbusters like Pushpa and RRR. Now, because of the rise of our films and stars, the craze and reach has been increased for the Telugu Films.
So following the trend, Bhushan Kumar’s idea is to materialize pan India projects with the above-mentioned superstars soon. It is also being said that he had discussed the same with these heroes.
Bhushan Kumar had already associated with Prabhas’s Saaho and Radhe Shyam, so he’s not much of a new person for Telugu films. It appears that he’s interested in making Telugu films that have universal appeal to reach a large section of audience.
Telugu films are now on dominant spot at the pan-Indian market and a top-ranked Bollywood Producer coming to Hyderabad to meet with the leading Telugu stars is the biggest example of this.