A couple of months ago, it was announced that director VV Vinayak will be remaking one of Rajamouli’s most iconic movies, Chatrapathi. Vinayak wanted to remake the film in Hindi with Bellamkonda Srinivas as the main lead.
During an interaction with the media, producer Bellamkonda Suresh spoke about the current status of Chatrapathi. He said that the shooting of the film has been completed just recently. However, there is dubbing work and some CGI portions that still need to be completed.
He also added that Vinayak completed the film in just 80 days despite being a massive movie. He complained that the heroine of the film did not give sufficient dates for shooting. As a result, the shooting took more time than expected.
Bellamkonda Suresh also added that the distributors of the film were keen on watching the film and after the first viewing they offered another movie to VV Vinayak. In his own words, “They told Vinayak to make a huge movie for them with a budget of 500 crores.” He ended by saying that the CGI work will take 2-3 months and the film will release in early 2023.