Akshay Kumar and Aamir Khan’s films are releasing on August 11th. While Akshay will be seen in Anand L Rai’s Raksha Bandhan, Aamir will star in Laal Singh Chaddha. Both these movies are big-budget films and their respective stars have pinned great hopes on them. However, Bollywood audiences are least interested in them.
Shockingly, both movies’ advance bookings are disastrous. Akshay Kumar’s Raksha Bandhan is expected to open in the range of 12 Cr net and Aamir Khan’s film is expected in the range of 18Cr net.
These numbers are shockingly low and have surprised the trade circles. The poor advance bookings have now made the producers of these films pray for solid word of mouth. If the movies don’t open to positive reviews and solid talk, they will be massive lossmakers considering their budget.
Interestingly, the movies of smaller stars like Varun Dhawan( Jug Jug Jiyo) and Kartik Aryan (Bhool Bhulaiyya 2) made superb numbers at the box office. However, with Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan, it appears that Bollywood audiences are not interested to watch their superstar movies.