2018 romantic drama RX 100 was a surprise hit at the box- office and catapulted the careers of Kartikeya Gummakonda and Payal Rajput. The film also shot director Ajay Bhupathi into the limelight. The music of the film by Chetan Bharadwaj and Ajay Bhupathi’s impressive storytelling made the movie a major success. Made on a budget of around Rs 2 crore, the film went on to gross more than Rs 20 crores and stunned everyone.
Now Kartikeya and Ajay Bhupati coming together for another film soon. The movie will be bankrolled by UV Creations and the duo is hoping the film will repeat the success of RX 100. Both Kartikeya and Ajay are in desperate need of a hit.
The young actor’s last two films Raja Vikramarka and Chavu Kaburu Challaga failed at the box office. While he played the negative role in Ajith starrer Valimai, the film failed to impress the Telugu audience. Ajay Bhupati, on the other hand, saw the failure of his ambitious project Mahasamudram last year.
Coming to this upcoming project under UV Creations, the film will go on floors in a short time. An official announcement regarding the cast and crew will be made soon.