It looks like the box office figures are bloated for the first time for a Rajamouli film. Rajamouli mocked such kind of incidents earlier saying that he doesn’t like such bloated figures posting on any film’s posters. RRR is performing extremely well in weekdays too in AP/TS but still the team or some section of people who are very close to the main leads of the film feel these numbers are not sufficient to put a margin and are announcing bloated numbers.
They are even forcing distributors to announce the bloated numbers. A GST of 18 % and increasing the daily shares to 10-15 % is happening for RRR and this has also happened for lot of films but this is the first time for a Rajamouli film. Rajamouli who has come up with RRR after his mighty Bahubali success is silent on this issue. It seems it is also inevitable for Rajamouli to stay on focus. That is why he might also be pushing these forward.
Rajamouli has joined hands with two of the biggest stars of Tollywood. So boasting the success has become a routine norm now a days. Rajamouli might also be not a exemption from this.