It came as a shocking news that Tollywood Actor and the current Deputy CM of Andhra Pradesh, Pawan Kalyan has received theatening calls of a possible attack. The news has been leaked officially to the media channels and sources that an unknown person made a call to the CMO of attacking Pawan Kalyan. This incident has later been informed to the police on which action will be taken.
We now need to see how the Police would react against the person responsible for this. There has been no reply from Pawan Kalyan till now about this. Earlier too there have been such kind of attacks happened on AP Poltician, Jagan Mohan Reddy. So, Police might not take this simple now for sure.
Meanwhile, currently, Pawan Kalyan is busy working on his films commitments. He has lined up Hari Hara Veera Mallu and OG for releases. He will also be switching between the shoots of both films to finish his work. Hari Hara Veera Mallu has also recently been confirmed to release on 28th March 2025 whereas OG will be eyeing the September month for its release.