Kalyan Ram’s Bimbisara teaser was released a short while ago packed with grand visuals and impressive VFX. The movie, as per reports will be spread across three parts and will follow the story of a tyrant king. Kalyan Ram will be seen in a grey character and can be seen in a warrior look for the most part of the teaser.
Bimbisara teaser has surprised many with its grandeur and large-scale production design. Mallidi Vashista who is making his directorial debut with this film felt that the story of this scale must be told in detail and not be shortened to fit in one film. The makers found the script to be quite interesting and see 3 parts as a viable option.
The first part is being made at a budget of Rs 40 crores and the subsequent parts will have large gaps between each other. Kalyan Ram will meanwhile move on to other films between each part of Bimbisara.
Chirantan Bhatt who composed music for Gautamiputra Satakarni will score the music for this film. Bimbisara also features Catherine Tresa, Samyuktha Menon, Vennela Kishore, and Srinivasa Reddy in key roles.