Bigg Boss, the reality entertainment show is gearing up for its 8th season on Star Maa. The show is hosted by Tollywood Actor, Nagarjuna and is also watched by many people. The 8th season is said to be starting in the first week of September this year. The team of Bigg Boss Telugu is on a hunt for celebrities and are busy in finalising them as well.
The buzz is that the following contestants may take part in the show. It includes Jabardasth Comedian Kiraak RP, Stand up Comedian Syama Harini, TV Actress Tejaswini Gowda, Akshita, Harika, Actor Sai Kiran, Kumari Aunty, Astrologer Venu Swamy, Social Media Influencer Kusthitha Kallapu and Activist Barrelakka. Along with these, Actress Surekha Vani and Hero Raj Tarun are also in contact according to sources.
Raj Tarun may not participate in the show due to his personal issues. The Actor is surrounded by legal issues now and the team of Bigg Boss may skip his name and find other celebrity. The show will last for a minimum of 3 months. Bigg Boss last season had Pallavi Prashanth as the winner coming from a Common Man background. So, now we have to see who would be tough contenders for the winner now.