In the 98th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Nagarjuna fired on housemates and exposed their mistakes. Nag warned Shivaji, Pallavi Prashanth, Prince Yawar, Amardeep Chaudhary, and Shobha Shetty.
Before that, the 98th Bigg Boss Telugu 7 episode started with Nagarjuna dancing to the Ole Ole Papayi Song from Extra Ordinary Man. After that, he watched some footage from Friday’s episode where Amar, Prashanth, Priyanka, and Yawar got a task to get the chance to appeal for a vote. Priyanka Jain won the task and got the opportunity to appeal for a vote.
Amardeep Chaudhary felt that it was the worst week for him. The housemates also played a promotional task for Maruthi Suzuki Celerio. Then Nagarjuna asked the crowd how was this week. The public felt that Shivaji’s words against Priyanka Jain and Shobha Shetty were unnecessary.
Finally, Nagarjuna came in front of the housemates on Mana TV. Nag assessed the Captaincy of Amardeep Chaudhary, and the housemates voted in favor of him. Nagarjuna said that Arjun Ambati and Priyanka Jain are the best-performing contestants in the house this week.
Afterward, Nagarjuna called each contestant to the confession room and promptly responded regarding their gameplay. He first called Shobha Shetty, and she explained her problems with Shivaji and his constant allegations against her and her friends. Nag pointed out her mistakes and exposed her. Shobha Shetty said her mind was disturbed in the week. Nag asked her not to fear and to be confident.
Nagarjuna warned Prince Yawar about his bad behavior with Shobha Shetty. Yawar said he lost his control in anger and did not mean anything personal with Shobha Shetty. Nag also made Yawar apologize to Shobha. After that, Nag called Pallavi Prashanth into the confession room.
Prashant looked clueless as Nagarjuna questioned whether Bigg Boss wanted to show whichever video he wanted to see. He also warned Prashanth for wrongly accusing Amar. He also stated he had come to play the game rather than doing what Shivaji wanted to say.
After that, on the 98th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Nagarjuna questioned Shivaji for his derogatory remarks against Shobha Shetty and Priyanka Jain. He also made Shivaji talk with the public. Shivaji said that his words came because of the suppressed anger from all the weeks.
Shivaji said that he talked in a fit of rage and did not mean it in the literal sense. Finally, Shivaji apologized for his words and once again stated that what he said was not wanted.
Then Nagarjuna also warned Amardeep Chaudhary in the 98th Bigg Boss Telugu 7 episode. He clearly stated Amar’s behavior with Pallavi Prashanth was wrong. He also called Priyanka Jain into the confession room, exposing his mistakes and behavior with Prince Yawar and Pallavi Prashanth. Finally, Saturday’s episode ended with Nagarjuna discussing the elimination tomorrow.