In the 86th Bigg Boss Telugu 7, the Nomination process gets emotional as the arguments and war of words lead to the housemates breaking into tears. Pallavi Prashanth cried because Amardeep Chaudhary nominated him. Also, Priyanka Jain became emotional because of the argument with Shivaji.
Before that, the 86th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 started with all eight housemates getting the coffee powder. Also, the housemates discussed the eviction pass and nominations. Then, the most awaited moment, the nomination process was started. It was set in the backdrop of Hell.
Pallavi Prashanth nominated Shobha Shetty and Priyanka Jain. He had intense arguments with both of them. Gautam Krishna nominated Pallavi, Prashanth, and Shivaji. Shivaji and Gautam argued heavily.
Priyanka Jain nominated Shivaji, and both argued for a long time. She also nominated Pallavi Prashanth. Priyanka, Shobha, and Prashanth were involved in a big war of words. Arjun Ambati nominated Shivaji and Priyanka Jain.
Shivaji nominated Arjun Ambati and said that he felt cheated by him. He also nominated Gautam Krishna. Amardeep Chaudhary nominated Pallavi Prashanth, and the latter got emotional and cried. Amar also nominated Gautam Krishna.
Prince Yawar nominated Gautam Krishna and Priyanka Jain. Shobha Shetty nominated Pallavi Prashanth and Prince Yawar.
Finally, in the 86th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Pallavi Prashanth, Shivaji, Gautam Krishna, Prince Yawar, Priyanka Jain, Arjun Ambati, and Shobha Shetty.