In the 74th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Arjun Ambati won the eviction free pass task, but the Bigg Boss giving a twist to him at the end was the highlight. Besides that, Rathika Rose, Pallavi Prashanth, Arjun Ambati, and Shobha Shetty had big arguments in the ranking task.
Before that, the 74th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 started with the housemates waking up and dancing to the ” Kodithe Kottali Ra ” song from Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Tagore. Then, they were told to rank each other from 1 to 10.
Rathika Rose wanted to be in the fifth position, but most of the housemates said she deserved to be in the tenth place. She tried to argue with everyone, but Gautam and Shivaji convinced her to stand in tenth place.
After that, Ashwini also stood in 5th place, and most of the housemates decided she deserved the ninth place. Amardeep wanted to stand first, but the housemates fixed him in sixth place.
Shobha Shetty said she deserved the third place, and most of the housemates decided she should stand in the fifth position. Priyanka Jain stated that she earned the second position, and the housemates felt she was good at the fourth position.
There was a big argument between Arjun Ambati and Rathika Rose during the discussion. Pallavi Prashanth wanted to stand in the second position but got the majority votes for the third position. Also, there was a big argument between Rathika Rose and Pallavi Prashanth during the task.
Shivaji selected the second position, and most of the housemates felt he deserved the first position. After that, Prince Yawar got majority votes for the second position. Ashwini and Yawar had a fiery argument during the task.
In the Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Gautam Krishna got majority votes for the seventh position, and Arjun Ambati got the eighth. Then, the BB said that the housemates would be tasked to get the eviction-free pass. But he put a twist that the contestants who earned the ranks from 6 to 10 would be allowed to play the task.
Gautam Krishna, Amardeep Chaudhary, Ashwini, and Rathika Rose were selected for the cool puzzle task. Shivaji was the Sanchaalak for the scheme, and finally, in the 74th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Arjun Ambati was decided as the winner. BB said that Arjun should defend his eviction pass, and he will be instructed further about the process.