In the 61St Episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Bhole Shavali getting swapped with Arjun Ambati during the Jumping Japang task was the main highlight of the day. The Veera Simhalu team got the extraordinary power to switch their weak member with a strong member from the opposite team as they had a golden ball in their collection, so they swapped Bhole with Arjun.
Before that, the 61St Episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 started with both the team members, Veera Simhalu and Garjinche Pululu team, fighting for the balls. Amardeep Chaudhary and Rathika Rose had a big argument during the task.
After that, the second task started, which was named “Breakfast and Aim Low’. In this task, two members from both teams were told to participate. Ashwini and Bhole Shavali were the Sanchaalaks. Amardeep, Arjun Ambati, Gautam, and Shobha participated in the task. Amar won the task.
Then, the Garjinche Pululu team decided to take 500 balls from the Veera Simhalu team. But a big twist in the game occurred when the BB voice asked Gautam to inform who had the Golden ball. Then he told his team he had it, and he got the unique power to remove one weak member from his team and select a strong member from the other team.
Then, the Veera Simhalu team decided to swap Bhole Shavali with Arjun Ambati. Then Shivaji and Gautam argued whether to steal or not in the task. In the end, the 61St episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 ended with both the teams getting ready to fight in the task.