In the 59th Episode of Telugu Bigg Boss Telugu 7, the nominations continued with Prince Yawar and Ashwini’s argument taking up the limelight. Also, Amardeep Chowdary and Bhole Shavali had a big argument as well in the 59th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7.At first, the episode started as the nominations continued, with Shobha nominating Rathika Rose and saying she played a foul game, and even Teja was involved in the argument of the both. Shobha also nominated Prince Yawar.
Then, Yawar nominated Shobha and Ashwini, and a big argument happened between Ashwini and Yawar. Amardeep nominated Bhole and Arjun. Once again, there was a heated argument between Bhole Shavali and Amardeep Chowdhary. Ashwini nominated Yawar, and both had a big argument for a long time. She also nominated Rathika.
Gautam Krishna nominated Amar and Rathika. In the 59th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Amardeep Chowdhary, Rathika Rose, Shobha Shetty, Priyanka Jain, Arjun Ambati, Tasty Teja, Bhole Shavali and Prince Yawar were nominated for eliminations.
After that, Rathika and Shivaji discussed the nominations. Also, Teja and Shivaji discussed the latter nominating the former.
Then, the male housemates were given a new task of making breakfast and serving with love to the female housemates and treating them like queens. All the ladies in the house had a good, fun time with the men in the house. Meanwhile, Ashwini cried because of a discussion with Priyanka.