In the 58th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, the Colorful Nominations turned dirty with Amardeep Chowdhary and Bhole Shavali’s arguments. Rathika Rose, Priyanka Jain, Bhole Shavali, and Amardeep Chowdary got into big arguments.
Before that, the day began with the housemates waking up to Bheemla Nayak’s title song in the morning. Then, the new captain, Gautam Krishna, selected Rathika Rose and Shobha Shetty as his deputies. He said that as a tribute to all the Women in the world, the women in the bigg boss’s house will not work for the entire week and only men will do the work.
He also stated that on the night of every day, when the lights come off, the housemates should discuss and select one housemate as ” Kashta Jeevi ” and another housemate as ” Pani. Donga”. Then he. declared that Kashta Jeevi would be given a Sprite Can while the Pani Donga would have to give away two eggs to Kashta Jeevi.
Then, the most crucial segment came in the 58th Episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, the nominations. Prashanth nominated, and Amardeep and Teja. As usual, a big argument happened between Amar and Prashanth. Priyanka nominated Rathika Rose and Bhole, and both had a heated argument.
Arjun Ambati nominated Shobha Shetty, and the latter felt that it was a silly reason. Arjun also nominated Amardeep. Shivaji nominated Amardeep and Tasty Teja. Rathika nominated Priyanka and Shobha Shetty. Teja nominated Arjun and Pallavi, Prashanth, and Rathika.
At the end of the 58th Episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, the Colorful Nominations turned dirty with Amardeep Chowdhary and Bhole Shavali’s arguments. Bhole Shavali nominated Priyanka and Amardeep Chowdary, and a big fight happened between them as they both teased and criticized each other.