In the Bigg Boss episode telecasted today it was all about the banker task where the confirmed contestants, Shivaji, Sandeep and Shobha were bankers with 10000 bigg boss coins each valued 100. The winner of the task was announced to be the contender for power Astra, remaining contestants needed to request the bankers for the coins.
Initially, there were few discussions regarding yesterday’s nominations and after wards the contestants began to request the bankers and employed all their tricks for more coins. Teja was the one who received 51, which were the highest, than Yawar with 43 and Amar with 42, Priyanka with 41, Shobha 35, Prasanth and Rathika both 34 and Gautam with 24 coins.
There was an argument between Rathika and Amar where the latter strategically made Shobha to give less coins to Rathika which triggered her. Also, Shobha argued with Teja as he tricked to pull off Subhasree’s coins for himself. Then Bigg Boss ordered all the coins to be placed inside the boxes with contestants’ photos and bankers who were responsible for saving those coins when the contestants were planning to pull off heist.
The first task for the Power Astra contender ship was announced by bigg boss with the photo smiley challenge where the contestant who hit the buzzer first, needed to select a partner and opposition, had to give smiley poses in the designed yellow box of a sandpit, Shivaji was the photographer, Sandeep was Sanchalak, Amardeep was the one to hit the buzzer first, he chose Gautam as his partner and wanted to play the task with Teja and Rathika.
The loser shall lose all their coins, which needs to be shared unequally between the winners. All the 4 contestants performed extremely well, and given poses. A small exchange of words happened between Sandeep master and Shivaji.
Amar & Gautam won the task with 14 smiley poses and leading the game now with 151 coins in combination.