Season 5 of Bigg Boss Telugu has got off to a flying start and has generated curiosity among the audience. On last Sunday, the show saw its first elimination.
The first week’s nomination saw RJ Kajal, Ravi, Manas, Jaswant, Sarayu, and Hamida being nominated with Sarayu getting evicted.
As per our sources RJ Kajal, Lobo, Anee, Nataraj, Priyanka, Priya, Uma have been nominated for the second week of elimination and it needs to be seen which of these will mark the second eviction. Kajal has found herself in the nominations second time in a row and it needs to be seen if she sustains this time.
Bigg Boss format this time is the same. The contestants will stay in the house for 100 days and the team will monitor them with 60 cameras around the premises. Every week there will be nominations and evictions and subject to the maker’s decision and there are chances of wild card entries in the coming week as well.