After an average performance of Yashoda, Samantha’s fans have placed heavy expectations on Shaakuntalam. The historical drama stars Samantha in the titular role and has been made by Gunasekhar on a massive budget. The film’s teasers and songs that have been released so far have been met with a cold response and makers are hoping the film garners hype as the release date approaches.
Samantha’s Shaakuntalam final budget has exceeded more than double of the planned budget. It is said to be around Rs 80Cr which has been confirmed by Gunasekhar himself. But, the pre-release business is not in that range and that is a worrying sign for Gunasekhar’s daughter Neelima Guna who has produced the film on the Gunaa Teamworks banner
The theatrical business will be at a maximum of Rs 20Cr and non-theatricals can’t cover the budget. So, massive theatrical profits are needed for the movie in order to safeguard the producer’s interests. The movie should do miracles at the box office to save the producer from incurring heavy losses.
The mythological drama is based on Kalidasa’s Abhijnana Shakuntalam. The story revolves around an epic love story of Shakuntala and King Dushyant of Mahabharat. Shaakuntalam will be released in 3D in Telugu Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada on 14th April.
This will be Gunasekhar’s first movie in 7 years after the 2015 period drama ‘Rudhramadevi’. A lot is banking on Samantha’s star power and Gunasekhar’s grand execution. Dev Mohan, Aditi Balan, Ananya Nagalla, Prakash Raj and Mohan Babu star in key roles in this historical drama.