Supreme Court on Thursday stated that a pre-screening committee and censorship for web series and films on OTT is not practical and cant be implemented. The Supreme Court bench of Chief Justice Uday Umesh Lalit and Justice Bela M Trivedi was hearing a plea filed by Mirzapur-resident Sujeet Kumar Singh for setting up a pre-screening committee for web series, films or other programs which are directly released on online platforms.
“How can there be a pre-screening committee for web series? There is a particular legislation. Unless you say OTT (over-the-top platforms) is also a part of it…you must say that existing legislation must apply to OTT. Various questions will arise because transmission occurs from other countries,” the bench said. It added.
“For OTT satellite transmission is from other countries and not this one even though viewers may be here. Post exhibition redressal mechanism is different. Your petition has to be more detailed. File a better one,” said the bench.
The petitioner, Sujeet Kumar had claimed that shows like Mirzapur had brought shame to his hometown and also requested a ban and removal of the Mirzapur series from Amazon Prime Video.