Kollywood Director Vetrimaaran is currently facing big backlash on social media platforms. The Director and Bollywood Director Anurag Kashyap have jointly produced a film titled Bad Girl. The film’s Teaser was released recently and this created a major uproar for its blunt depiction of the female lead as a Brahmin played by Anjali Sivaraman.
Vetrimaaran was always respected greatly by the Tamil Audiences for his path-breaking films, which also became big blockbusters at the box office. He never received any form of hatred or trolls for his films. But surprisingly, he has now come under a huge barrage of trolls for producing Bad Girl.
The film, as said, as shown in The Teaser, deals with the hardships faced by a Brahmin Girl and concentrates on how she imagines her life as an individual. A few of the scenes shown in The Teaser shocked the netizens with their openness and rebellious outlook on life. This also didn’t go well which made them brutally criticise the Director Varsha Bharath, Producers Vetrimaaran and Anurag Kashyap.
Actor Vijay Sethupathi and Director Pa. Ranjith promoted the film on their official X/Twitter handles, praising the film’s theme and storytelling. Interestingly, they too, received great trolling from the netizens who also slammed them for promoting this film. It went to the extent that Vijay Sethupathi disabled the reply section on his post.
It needs to be seen what range of outrage the film causes when its Trailer gets released. Till now, there has been no comment made by the team regarding the online trolling and criticism. So, let’s wait and see how the team reacts.