The first glimpse of Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana was released a while ago and it has raised the audience’s curiosity. Just like its quirky name, the first look is also quite interesting and featured actor Shiva Kandukuri.
The film appears to be an investigative thriller and there were many interesting elements in the first look that caught attention. The film appears to have several mythological connotations and the BGM by Sricharan Pakala, and Vijay Bulganin sounded great.
Raj Purushottam is directing this film while Snehal Jangala , Shashidhar Kasi and Karthik Mudumbi are bankrolling it.
Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana will star Rashi Singh as the female lead and it also co-stars Venkatesh Kakumanu, Devi, and Shafi among others. Further details about the project will be revealed soon.