Megastar Chiranjeevi’s next film, Bhola Shankar is all set to be released on worldwide screens on August 11th. The film directed by Meher Ramesh is the remake of the Tamil blockbuster film Vedhalam, which starred Ajith in the role. Meanwhile the Bhola Shankar team wrapped up the entire shooting part and on course for the upcoming proceedings.
Director Meher Ramesh took to his Twitter account to reveal the entire shooting of Bhola Shankar has completed. He thanked the cast and crew with his whole heart, who are working non-stop day and night. Meher also said that post-production works going on in full swing. Moreover, promotions and song releases from the unit are ahead.
The teaser of Bhola Shankar raised the expectations of the film, and it is also said that Meher Ramesh made many changes to the original script to suit the Megastar Chiranjeevi’s image. The teaser received a superb response from all over, and it even trended on top position on YouTube.
Keerthy Suresh plays Chiranjeevi’s sister in this mass action entertainer, and Tamannaah is the female lead. The promotions for the film will start very soon. Mahati Swara Sagar is scoring the music and background score. Anil Sunkara’s AK Entertainments are the producers. Chiranjeevi’s next film will be announced on August 22nd, on the occasion of his birthday.