Megastar Chiranjeevi’s latest film, Bhola Shankar, was released last August 11 and the film became the biggest disaster in Chiranjeevi’s career. The film’s terrible box office performance has led to many rumors of a rift between Chiranjeevi and the movie’s producer Anil Sunkara regarding the former’s remuneration. However, Anil Sunkara has denied the rumors of his disputes with Chiranjeevi.
Anil Sunkara shared his thoughts on his Twitter Account about how the impact of rumors on families and relationships will be. He urged the fans to refrain from allowing hatred to dominate their thinking.
In a long tweet, he wrote, “Rumors may satisfy the cruel fun of some people, but tarnishing the image built on hard work for ages is an unacceptable crime. It also gives immense pressure and anxiety to all the families involved. The news spread about the dispute between me and chiranjeevi garu is pure trash. He has been thoroughly supportive throughout. He is in very good terms with me as usual. Please, let not hatred prevail over facts. It may be casual fun for some people to create fake news, but it will have implications for every one involved. I am thankful to all my well wishers in the industry who expressed concern over the situation. With all their blessings, wish to come back strong.”
Anil Sunkara has been struggling to score a hit off late. Earlier, his film Agent with Akhil Akkineni had also failed miserably at the box office and now Bhola Shankar also faced the same result. Bhola Shankar, directed by Meher Ramesh, also stars Tamannaah Bhatia, Keerthy Suresh and Sushanth.