We are aware of the talk, trolls, and memes on Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar. Shockingly, many theaters in the Telugu states are even struggling to get the rent, which tells how bad the situation of Bhola Shankar film is. On the second day itself, there was a drop of 75 percent in the numbers. Also, the financial rumors about Chiranjeevi asking producer Anil Sunkara for his remuneration have gone viral and brought so much negativity around Chiranjeevi.
There were rumors that Chiranjeevi and Anil Sunkara had a dispute over remuneration and that Chiranjeevi had insisted on the remuneration which was due to him. Then the news of the producer selling his properties on the city outskirts and mortgaging it to pay Chiranjeevi the money he wanted has also gone viral. Chiranjeevi had reportedly asked 65 crores for the film as the remuneration. However, the producer of Bhola Shankar responded to the rumors that are doing rounds.
Several media portals also reported that the producer of Bhola Shankar, Anil Sunkara sold some of his properties and put the other properties in finance to pay the full remuneration for Bhola Shankar. Today a fan of Chiranjeevi on Twitter posted a screenshot of his discussion with Anil Sunkara which is presently being shared by mega fans in. which the producer denied the rumors.
In the screenshot, the netizen had asked Anil Sunkara on his WhatsApp about the ongoing rumors. To which the producer replies he is on a flight to the USA and told him to not believe in rumors. He denied the rumors about Chiranjeevi and said that he is a good man and they both will work on another film soon.