Actress Bhagyashri Borse who rose to fame with Mr. Bachchan co-starring Ravi Teja this year has come on board for Ram Pothineni’s next, RAPO22. The film was announced by the Actor yesterday as his next after a big debacle in the form of Double Ismart this year.
RAPO22 will be directed by a newcomer Mahesh Babu P and produced by Mythri Movie Makers. Pooja Ceremony of the film will also take place tomorrow with the team and cast present. The film will also aim for a release next year. Ram will be hoping to make a big comeback with this film. His last films have all become big disasters at the box office.
Interestingly, Bhagyashri too had a big disaster in the form of Mr.Bachchan this year. She hoped of a grand debut with the film but the result was disappointing. So, both will look forward hopefully to score a positive outcome with RAPO22.