Mr. Bachchan, the latest and upcoming film of Ravi Teja stars a newcomer Bhagyashri Borse in the female lead role. The film is an official remake of Bollywood hit, Raid starring Ajay Devgan. The Actress turned the heads towards her during the official launch ceremony of Mr. Bachchan itself. And now, after the teaser and lyrical songs releases, Bhagyashri Borse has become the talk of the Industry.
Bhagyashri made her debut in Bollywood film, Yaariyan 2 in 2023. She immediately grabbed the role in Mr. Bachchan later. The Director of the film, Harish Shankar made a very good choice picking her. She looked very beautiful and elegant in the role. The latest song, Jikki gained massive reception among the audience for the beauty and dance skills of Bhagyashri. She doesn’t look like a newcomer at all and showed ease everywhere which is so surprising.
Mr. Bachchan will be releasing on August 15th worldwide. Currently the Top Actress spot is missing in Tollywood. If Mr. Bachchan does well at the box office, then Bhagyashri Borse can see herself becoming a big thing in both Tollywood and South as well. She already feels like a Top film star and let’s wish the best to come for her in the future.