Bhagavanth Kesari collections are not exaggerated, says Anil Ravipudi, the director. The production house of Balayya’s new film, Shine Screens, and the team has been officially releasing the box office collections daily. However, a few sections of people complained that the collections were exaggerated, and Anil Ravipudi answered the same.
The successful director said that the collections that the Bhagavanth Kesari team officially released are not at all exaggerated, and they are posting genuine numbers. As a part of the success tour, the F2 director visited many theaters today, and during a short media interaction, he talked about the collections and said if some people post fewer numbers than the official figures from producers, he would not bother about them.
For a few days, there have been rumors that Bhagavanth Kesari’s box office numbers are fake producers, and the director is putting more collections in the poster than the actual ones to prove it is a blockbuster.
These things are being rubbed on social media regularly, per a section of people. From reviews to talk and collections, everything is being managed, they said. However, Anil Ravipudi thrashed all rumors and said the film’s collections are genuine and not exaggerated.
Meanwhile, the unit of Bhagavanth Kesari started the successful tour and visited the theatres in Vizag and Rajahmundry today.