Tollywood hero Bellamkonda Sreenivas made his Bollywood debut with the remake of Chatrapathi. Directed by VV Vinayak, the remake failed to impress the North audience as it failed to recreate the magic which was in the original. The movie, which has garnered a disaster talk in theaters, is coming to OTT. ‘Chhatrapati’ will be streaming on Zee5 OTT from August 18,I.e. from today midnight.
VV Vinayak also made his Bollywood debut as a director with the remake of Chhatrapati. The remake of Chhatrapati, which was made on a budget of around Rs 25 crore, grossed less than Rs 5 crore, causing massive losses to the producers. Bellamkonda Sreenivas’s acting, and the soul less narration have been criticized a lot by the Bollywood audience, and they felt it was an out-dated movie.
Nushrat Bharucha played the female lead opposite Bellamkonda Sreenivas in this remake. Taking advantage of the craze he got in Bollywood with dubbing films on YouTube, Bellamkonda Sreenivas tried to score a big hit in Hindi with the remake of Chatrapathi. The movie was released in theaters on May 12. Bellamkonda Sreenivas has done plenty of promotions in Bollywood for this film, which went in vain.
The Telugu version of Chatrapati was directed by SS Rajamouli, and it was released in 2005 with Prabhas in the lead role, the film brought double profits to the producers. At that time, it became the highest-grossing movie in Prabhas’ career. Rajamouli has brought the mass hero image to Prabhas with Chatrapathi.