It is a known fact the Bellamkonda Srinivas will be starring in the 2005 Telugu superhit Chatrapathi’s Bollywood remake. The action thriller will be directed by VV Vinayak who incidentally also directed the actor’s Tollywood debut ‘Alludu Seenu’. Presently, Disha Patani, Shraddha Kapoor, and Pooja Hegde are in consideration for the lead role opposite Srinivas.
Meanwhile, Bellamkonda Srinivas is reportedly spending hours everyday training to fit the role that Prabhas played in the original. The lockdown has especially helped the actor spend much longer times in the gym to achieve the required physique. Apart from this, Bellamkonda Srinivas is also brushing up his Hindi skills as he wants to dub for the film by himself. He has appointed famous Hindi coach, Imtiaz to train him in the nuances of the language.
The movie will be made in Hindi and will release in Telugu and Tamil with Jayantilal Gada’s Pen Studios bankrolling the ambitious project. The shoot of the film will begin in the second week of July