Tamil Superstar Thalapathy Vijay’s latest outing Beast is ready for its OTT release. The comedy action entertainer is releasing in OTT within a month of its theatrical release. Beast released in theatres on April 13 and didn’t perform well at the box office. Though Vijay saved the film in Tamil Nadu to some extent. But the other language versions couldn’t stand against KGF2 that released on same day. Many people skipped the movie in theatres to watch it on OTT.
Netflix India in it’s social media announced that Beast will be premiering on its platform on May 11 in five languages. “May Your Day Get Meaner Leaner Stronger Because Beast is coming to Netflix on 11th May in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi”, it wrote alongside the poster of the film. Alongside Netflix, Beast will stream in Sun NXT as well from the same day.
Vijay and Pooja Hegde played the lead roles while the film also stars Selvaraghavan, Yogi Babu, Shine Tom Chacko, Lilliput Faruqui, and Ankur Ajit Vikal in prominent roles. Doctor fame Nelson Dilip Kumar handles the direction under Sun Pictures. Anirudh composed the music and gave blockbuster songs like Arabic Kuthu and Jolly O Gimkhana. The BGM received applauds though the film failed to make an impact.