Tollywood actor Bandla Ganesh started his career as a comedian and after acting in minor roles for many years later, he turned into a producer and produced many super hit films. Bandla Ganesh further became quite popular by participating in the audio functions and giving controversial, funny statements.
Bandla Ganesh became more famous by appearing in the audio events of Pawan Kalyan’s movies, he got highlighted by praising Pawan immensely. We also know that he went into politics and failed there. Currently, he is making controversial comments on Twitter on regular occasions.
Bandla Ganesh once again gave rise to another controversy as he once again showed his anger indirectly on Trivikram Srinivas. Bandla stated that he recognized Pawan’s talent long back. Bandla Ganesh told that he already knew that Pawan was not an ordinary person. He said that now people are calling someone else as saying Guruji (indirectly referring Trivikram).
Star writer-director Trivikram Srinivas and Pawan Kalyan have a strong bond. People who want to approach Pawan usually go through Trivikram and get the chance to work with Pawan Kalyan. Trivikram and Bandla Ganesh were too very close back then. Bandla revealed this news himself and stated that Trivikram is very near to him.
However, things didn’t work well when Bandla felt that Trivikram, who plays a key role in setting films for Pawan, is denying him a chance. We know that in a phone call conversation with a Pawan fan, Bandla scolded Trivikram and again admitted that the audio clip was his and further tolded that he apologized to Trivikram and the latter too accepted his apology.