The pre-production works of the untitled Balayya-Gopichand Mallineni film are going on in full swing. According to sources, Balayya has approved the line narrated by the ‘Krack’ director. Gopichand is currently working continuously to finish up the script work. The movie will go on floors towards June end or July 1st week
Recently the director Tweeted a picture of him visiting the famous Saraswata Niketanam library where he was immersed among books and old news papers. This has given rise to the speculations that this Balayya- Gopichand project is going to be based on real life incidents.
Meanwhile, Balakrishna is currently busy with Boyapati Srinu’s Akhanda. The recently released teaser of the film has received a terrific response. It is shattering YouTube records and has garnered a whopping 40 million views. . The duo of Balakrishna and Boyapati has given successful mass entertainers such as successful Simha and Legend in the past.