It is known that Nandamuri Balakrishna is doing his 108th film with Director Anil Ravipudi is announced long ago. Balakrishna is enjoying a quite good time in his career with interesting combos. Currently, he’s shooting his 107th film titled Veera Simha Reddy under the direction of Gopichand Malineni.
Meanwhile, Shooting of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s prestigious 108th movie will start from 8th December. Anil Ravipudi who has half a dozen blockbusters under his belt is going to direct this movie. This is a crazy project as Ravipudi has been trying to make a movie with Balayya and both are in form trying to continue their hit streak.
As we know, Ravipudi is known for hilarious entertainers with a lot of comedy and family content. Balayya has diverse set of movies in his career, but of late he is more into violent mass entertainers. Their combination is creating much interest for fans and movie lovers, as it seems to be a unique one.
According to the director, the movie is going to be more in the lines of emotions and action than comedy. The underlying comedy tinge would be subtler than loud as in F2 Or Raja The Great or even Sarileru Neekevvaru, he added.
Hence, we can expect an entertaining character with stylish heroism and mannerisms with comedy done by other actors than Balayya himself.
The movie will be fresh among his as well as Balayya’s latest movies. As most of the recent Balayya movies have dual role, heavy on violence, young actress as heroines. Such tropes might not be there in NBK108. Sri Leela is going to play the role of Balayya’s daughter.
Sources are claiming that the movie will be on the lines of Liam Neeson’s action classic ‘Taken’.
Balayya’s upcoming film Veera Simha Reddy will be released as a Sankranthi festival along with Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Waltair Veerayya and Thalapathy Vijay’s Varisu/Varasudu.