Balakrishna collaborated with director Anil Ravipudi for the first time for a film titled Bhagavath Kesari which is scheduled for release on 19th October. The film is carrying a good buzz and the Dussehra season will help the film to put good numbers at the Box-office. The film has done a good theatrical business and the film needs to collect a share of 70Crs for breakeven mark. Here is Balakrishna’s Bhagavath Kesari Worldwide Pre-release Business.
Balakrishna’s Bhagavath Kesari Worldwide Pre-release Business
AREA | Pre Business |
Nizam | 15 Cr |
Ceded | 14 Cr |
Uttarandhra | 8.2 Cr |
Guntur | 6 Cr |
East Godavari | 5 Cr |
West Godavari | 4.2 Cr |
Krishna | 4.25 Cr |
Nellore | 2.6 Cr |
AP/TS | 59.25 Cr |
ROI | 4.5 Cr |
Overseas | 6 Cr |
Worldwide | 69.75 Cr |
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