Tollywood Actor Balakrishna has been conferred the Prestigious Padma Bhushan Award by the Government of India yesterday. The Actor also thanked the Government for recognising his services and expressed his gratitude to the Audience for being supportive all these years. He also made a fresh appeal to the Government to consider honoring his father and Tollywood’s late Matinee Idol, NTR, with Bharat Ratna.
The Actor said that Fans and Audience wanted the Award to be conferred to NTR for years. And also highlighted that all of the Telugu People would like to see that happen as an honor for the late Actor. He was also felicitated by the Union Minister, Kishan Reddy, at his home where the Actor spoke these words.
The Bharat Ratna demand for NTR is not new and has been the topic of controversy for the Government ignoring the Actor’s services in the field of Cinema and Politics. Interestingly, late Prime Minister and Telugu Politician P.V. Narasimha Rao was presented with the Award last year. As his son has been conferred now, people feel that his demand may also be fulfilled in the future soon, if not for now. So, let’s wait and see what happens.