Tollywood Actor, Balakrishna‘s upcoming film is rumoured to be the remake of Aavesham, the recent Malayalam Blockbuster. This film became a big hit by grossing more than 150 crores worldwide and also stood as the highest grosser of Fahadh Faasil. Now, Balakrishna choosing Aavesham might turn into a big risk.
Aavesham with its popularity attracted even Telugu Audience as well. Moreover, it had released on OTT and many Telugu people saw the film already. Alongwith this, they felt that Aavesham was a bit overrated. So this film may not appeal to the Telugu Audience for its content and theme. Balakrishna may perform even better than Fahadh Faasil in the remake but the genre should be appealing.
The image and range of Balakrishna may also prove wrong for the film unlike Fahadh Faasil who has a plain Actor image there. Fahadh’s career is also centered around only performance filled roles whereas Balakrishna enjoys a larger than life portrayals of the lead role. The film’s content has to go through lot of changes in a great way to suit to the audiences mindset and the potential image of Balakrishna as well. Aavesham remake will be a risky one for sure. Rumourts suggest that Harish Shankar may direct the film. Let’s see how the film unfolds.