After the completion of Balakrishna and Anil Ravipudi project, the veteran actor will move on to his next- NBK 109. The film will be directed by Bobby and will be produced by Naga Vamsi. An official announcement on the same will be made on June 10th which happens to be Balakrishna’s birthday. Interestingly, this project was first planned with Superstar Rajinikanth but that Tamil star didn’t approve of the story.
After the massive success of Waltair Veerayya, Bobby prepared a mass script for Rajinikanth and several meetings also happened for the same. However, the film didn’t materialize as Rajinikanth didn’t find the story exciting enough. Now, the same script is said to be okayed by Balakrishna. Rajinikanth is currently busy with Nelson Dileepkumar’s Jailer and he will be next seen in Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s Laal Salaam followed by TG Gnanvel’s untitled project.
Interestingly, Bobby directed Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Waltair Veerayya which trounced over Balayya’s Veera Simha Reddy in the Sankranti race earlier this year. With Bobby directing Balayya now, he has now achieved the rare distinction of directing Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna in successive films.