Balakrishna joins hands again with Boyapati Sreenu. It is widely known that the Nandamuri Balakrishna’s fans are always excited when their favorite hero does a film in the combination of Mass Director Boyapati Sreenu. The latest news about the BB. combination will definitely excite them. Balakrishna joins hands again with Boyapati Sreenu.
It is widely known that Balakrishna is currently doing a film with Bobby which is planned for next summer release. After this, Balakrishna will be joining hands with Boyapati Sreenu again. The hat trick blockbuster combo will be doing their 4th film under 14 Reels Production House.
Previously, this three had collaborated for the film, Legend. However, the 4th film between Boyapati and Balayya will be a Sequel to Akhanda, or it will be a political film is yet to be known. Boyapati had expected that he will get a chance to work with Allu Arjun, but the Icon Star opted for Atlee. After Skanda’s failure, everyone felt that only Balakrishna can give a success to Boya and this new film will materialize after this summer.
Balakrishna and Boyapati Sreenu – A massively successful combo
In 2010, Balakrishna and Boyapati Sreenu began their collaboration with a big blockbuster ‘Simha’. The second movie in their combination was ‘Legend’. ‘Akhanda’ rounded the hat-trick success. Now, let’s wish the fourth film in this blockbuster combination will be a big success.