Tollywood Actor Balakrishna‘s son Mokhagna is gearing up to debut as a lead actor in Tollywood. Fans of Balakrishna have long waited to see Mokshagna coming into the film Industry. Now, their wishes have been heard and finally Mokshagna’s debut film has been locked. Prashant Verma who rose to fame with Hanuman recently will be directing his debut film. It is learnt that he is planning Balakrishna as Krishna and Mokshagna as Abhimanyu in this film.
The film is said to be a socio fantasy one with Mahabharata Backdrop. Balakrishna should be appreciated for setting up a perfect film after taking much time for his son’s debut. Now, this film will be planned as a Pan India project under Prashant Verma Cinematic Universe, PVCU. As mentioned above, Balakrishna will also be a part of this film as Lord Krishna and Mokshagna is slated for the role of Abhimanyu. A huge star cast is also planned for the film.
However, it has to be known if the film is planned as a complete mythological one or as a part of the film. Recently we saw Kalki 2898 AD style of making and fans and audience expect that this film may be planned in those lines.