Nandamuri Balakrishna, who is on a career-high after Akhanda has responded to the ongoing tickets pricing issue in Andhra Pradesh. He said that the callousness shown towards the film industry is quite sad and that industry must work together to resolve this ongoing problem. Balakrishna further extended his full support to any force or body that is looking to resolve the issue and said that entire Tollywood must unite to ensure this problem ends at the earliest.
Telangana Cinematography Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav also shared his view on the issue and said that the film industry in Telangana has always looked to unite everyone. He said that cinema is a medium that transcends the cast, creed, gender, and religious barriers and that the Telangana government has worked continuously in this direction.
“The tickets hikes allowed in Telangana is proof of how much the state cares for the well-being of the industry. We also gave permission for fifth shows and movies like Akhanda and Pushpa did full justice to that and revived the industry.
Speaking about the situation in AP, Talasani Srinivas Yadav said that he will speak to the authorities in Andhra Pradesh and look for a timely resolution on the matter.