Today is indeed a special day for Ram Charan fans. The RRR star turns 38 today. To mark the occasion, the makers of his upcoming pan-India film RC15 have announced the official title of the movie. On his social media account, filmmaker Shankar Shanmugam announced the official title of the film, “Game Changer”. The director also revealed a special first glimpse of the film. However, the response to the title and glimpse is not that encouraging.
Shankar is undoubtedly one of the biggest directors in Indian cinema, and he always puts huge money on the promotional content of his films to raise the expectations. For RC15, Shankar had done an excellent job with the announcement poster, but he could not impress everyone today the title glimpse.
The fans of Ram Charan and other netizens say that the glimpse of Game Changer does neither have the stylish touch nor it gives a powerful impact. BGM can be as another drawback for the glimpse. The netizens wondered that how come Shankar has okayed this for title glimpse, who being a person, always thrives on perfection. The fans of Ram Charan and everyone had felt that the rumored CEO Title would have been better for the film.
Game Changer is touted to be an action drama film based on current-day politics. Besides Ram Charan, this film features Kiara Advani, SJ Suryah, Jayaram, Anjali and Srikanth in other crucial roles. The film will be out in 3 languages, including Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi this year.
Ram Charan had tasted a great success with his film RRR at the 2023 Oscars. The film’s song Naatu Naatu created history for India as it won the country’s first-ever Best Original Song Oscar at the 95th Academy Awards.