Varun Dhawan’s recent film, Baby John which released yesterday opened to a disastrous response at the box office. The film secured only 10 crores Nett on the Opening day worldwide. Today’s numbers are even more shocking with only 50% of the opening day figures as per estimates.
The current estimates are in the range of 4-5 crores. This is utter disappointing turn out for the film. The film may not even cross the 50 crores Nett mark at this pace indicating a disaster result. The team expected the film to become a big blockbuster and planned accordingly. But Baby John looks unable to reach the expectations.
The cracking performance of Pushpa 2 in Hindi Belt came as a big hurdle for Baby John. The cameo appearance of Salman Khan too didn’t add up to the numbers shockingly. Let’s wait and see how it fares in the coming days.