Bollywood film, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha released recently. The film starred Ajay Devgan alongwith Tabu. It received negative response and word of mouth. Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha has ended its run by becoming a big box office bomb with a 100 crore budget and less than 10 crore collection.
For the first weekend, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha has collected around just 8 crores gross worldwide. The film has crashed completely on the Monday with a poor collection of less than 10 crore. For 4 days, the total worldwide collections are not even close to 10 crores and there will be no minimal share for the film as well. The hit combination of Ajay Devgan and Tabu has lost this time with Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha.
And on the other hand, Bollywood’s dull phase still continues. No Bollywood film made a good performance in the recent times. We saw Akshay Kumar’s Sarfira getting bombed badly at the box office as well recently. Sarfira too didn’t collect more than 10 crores just like Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha. Akshay Kumar too spoke about his dull phase to the media. Bollywood badly needs a hit as soon as possible.