Athadu and two more films are streaming in premium quality on Aha Video. The number one digital platform in Telugu, Aha constantly tries to attract the viewers with exciting ideas and once again they have done something unique. Mahesh Babu’s Athadu, Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Gharana Mogudu, and Ram Charan’s Magadheera will be streaming in high quality Aha Video in November.
The trend of re-releasing yesteryear films in theaters has caught up across multiple industries, but it looks like the streaming platforms are not being mute spectators here either. After the success of SunNXT’s idea to digitally re-master Rajinikanth’s Enthiran and re-release it on the streamer this year, leading OTT platform Aha is planning something similar with Athadu and two more Telugu movies this November.
Confirming the news, aha tweeted, “Why limit re-releases to theaters alone? Even aha has a few coming your way.” The three much-celebrated films that Aha will re-release digitally in premium quality this November are Ram Charan and SS Rajamouli’s fantasy saga Magadheera (November 3), Mahesh Babu’s Athadu (November 10) and Chiranjeevi starrer Gharana Mogudu (November).
With the availability of high-quality streaming devices across the globe and better affordability among consumers, the idea to enhance the viewing experience through the digitally remastered versions is a welcoming thing. This is a first-of-its-kind move in the Telugu digital space, and the response to this move will be keenly awaited by other streaming platforms as well.