Shootings for Tollywood films have finally resumed amidst strict preventive measures. In order to ensure a smooth transition back to sets, a meeting was held between the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce (TFCC), Telugu Film Producers Council, Telugu Film Directors Association, and Movie Artists Association (MAA) in Hyderabad on June 17.
As per the official statement released by the TFCC, it has been decided that initially, the shoots which were abruptly halted in the month of April will be resumed first, and permission for new shoots will be given only after that.
Directors have been asked to wrap up their schedules as early as possible without any delays. Artists have also been asked to first finish the schedules that they have signed previously before venturing into new ones.
One of the key decisions taken during the meeting was to have a declaration from the entire cast and crew that they have received at least one dose of vaccine. Those Tollywood artists and technicians who have not yet received the vaccine have been asked to finish up the same at the earliest.
“All the SOPs given by the respective governments should be followed without fail. Respective production house managers and artists managers should keep the concerned artists and technicians in the loop about these guidelines,” said an official TFCC note.
Recently, the shooting for Maestro resumed in Hyderabad. The pandemic brought a halt to shoots of many Tollywood films including Acharya, RRR, Pushpa. The release on many Tollywood films also had to be halted.