Chiranjeevi, Tollywood’s matinee idol, celebrates his birthday today. Fans are celebrating this landmark anniversary in grand style with the re-release of the actor’s industry smash, Indra. The action drama is setting new records for elderly heroes’ re-releases.
Ashwini Dutt, a legendary director, produced the picture for Vyjayanthi Movies, and B. Gopal directed it. Ashwini Dutt produced Jagadeka Veerudu, Athiloka Sundari, Chudalani Undhi, Indra, and Jai Chiranjeeva with Megastar, and the first three proved to be huge money spinners. The ace producer has produced a video byte, as Indra continues to cause mass hysteria after so many years.
Ashwini Dutt stated, “I am fortunate to have created Indra alongside Megastar Chiranjeevi Garu. I’m experiencing Indra’s recollections, and it feels like the film was released today. I am informed that the re-release will set records. The young generation will go mad witnessing Chiru’s incredible performance. I wish Megastar a happy birthday.” Ashwini Dutt affirmed that he will produce another film with Chiranjeevi in the future and promised fans about the project. Fans are overjoyed with Aswini Dutt’s announcement regarding his upcoming movie with Chiranjeevi.