Ashika Ranganath made her Telugu film debut in Kalyan Ram’s Amigos (2023). While the film was a failure, she received some praise for her performance and enchanting looks. She went on to romance Akkineni Nagarjuna in the Sankranthi release Naa Saami Ranga (2024).
Basking in its success, the young belle has grabbed an opportunity to feature in ‘Mega Star’ Chiranjeevi‘s fantasy drama ‘Vishwambara’; Mallidi Vasishta of Bimbisaara (2022) fame is the writer and director. While the project is still under production, Ashika has bagged another high-profile project.
This time, it’s a Tamil film starring Karthi in the lead role. A sequel to blockbuster Sardar, this film is titled ‘Sardar-2’. On the eve of her birthday, an official announcement from the makers has been made today. P. S. Mithran is the director, whereas G. V. Prakash Kumar is the music composer.