Arshad Warsi is a renowned Hindi Actor known for playing many iconic roles in Bollywood. He was mostly known for playing the Circuit character in Munnabhai MBBS alongside Sanjay Dutt. The Actor recently started a big controversy by calling Prabhas a Joker. He was later trolled by Telugu Audience and some celebrities as well. But Arshad Warsi is getting huge support from the North Indian Audience now.
Arshad Warsi while speaking in an interview felt that Prabhas looked like a Joker in Kalki 2898 AD. But the Actor praised Amitabh Bachchan who acted in the film. This became a controversy and many people especially Prabhas’ fans trolled Arshad Warsi for calling Prabhas a Joker.
Another Tollywood Actor Nani took objection to this and said that Arshad Warsi became popular than he was once by making a negative comment about Prabhas. However, this was not received well by the North Indian Audience even. They are trolling both Prabhas and Nani together for their acting skills.
Many people are coming in support of Arshad Warsi by saying that he is supremely talented than both Prabhas and Nani. Prabhas who is currently enjoying a popularity in Hindi Belt is also getting trolled interestingly. This is an interesting situation where people feel that Arshad Warsi is way more talented than Prabhas even after his negative comment.